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Go away.....shoe

Posted: Sun Jan 13, 2013 8:08 pm
by thedupleman
A shoe merchant from the Chinese city of Quanzhou, in the Fujian Province was spotted using his second-generation Hyundai Coupe as a mobile shoe shop. It is definitely not the kind of car police would be looking for, when searching for illicit transactions involving fake Nikes.

Speaking of Nikes, apparently, the man selling them only wanted just under $5 for any pair of sneakers - a good deal, we say, considering the fact that most sports shoes are made in China, and so these may very well be the genuine thing. Also, the fact that he is selling his shoes from the trunk of a admittedly sleek looking coupe can only boost his sales credentials - this is definitely less creepy than a van.

Also, while makeshift markets are commonplace throughout Asia and China, people usually use vans or less conspicuous vehicles to sell their merchandise. This man wanted to be different, and he succeeded - it probably did his business some good, as well.
